Highlights From Oaks Blenheim March 2008

Photo © Vinton Karrasch

We start off our Spring Series with a bang, as we host the final West Coast Qualifier for the World Cup Finals in Gothenburg, Sweden as well as two North American Young Rider Trials. During our Spring Classic I and June Classic II shows we will host the newly created USHJA International Hunter Challenge Derby.

In addition, and back by popular demand, we will once again present the Open Equitation Classic at the Spring Classic III Horse Show, to be followed the next evening by the exhibitor party and the Grand Prix. But what might be the most interesting event of the entire year will take place on the main Grand Prix field immediately following the Spring Classic II Grand Prix, the “You Thought You’d Never Ride Again” Professional Challenge.

This might be your one and only chance to root on some legendary trainers as they hark back to their youth in a two-round jumper/equitation competition!

Our horse shows are divided into three categories. Tournaments will offer Grand Prix events of $50,000 or more in prize money and “AA” rated hunters. Classics will offer grand prix events with prize money between $25,000 and $35,000 and “AA” rated hunters.
Festivals will feature jumper classics and “A” rated hunters.

In addition, our website showpark.com will continue to provide class start times and next day’s orders. Be sure to register your e-mail online so that we can send you our newsletter.

We are working diligently to exceed your expectations as we plan another exciting and challenging year of competitions. Enjoy the Oaks Blenheim Newsletter. We look forward to seeing you in 2008.

Best Regards,

The Blenheim EquiSports Team

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